Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Gillian Jacobs Is Set For TV Show Love

Gillian Jacobs Is Set For TV Show Love

Judd Apatow and Lesley Arfin create a Netflix comedy


While he’s long established himself as a filmmaker, Judd Apatow has never quite forgotten his TV roots. He’s one of the producers behind HBO series Girls and is now working with one of the writers of that show, Lesley Arfin, to produce a new show called Love for Netflix.

Gillian Jacobs and Paul Rust are signed on to play Mickey and Gus, a couple in the middle of a relationship experiencing, so the press release goes, the “exhilarations and humiliations of intimacy, commitment, and other things they were hoping to avoid.” It’ll be shot with Apatowian honesty about the realities of modern life and love.

So confident is Netflix in the Apatow brand that the company has agreed to give the show two seasons out of the box. While Apatow is producing, Rust and Arfin are credited as the co-creators and will be executive producers and US Office veteran Brent Forrester will be the person actually running the show.

“Judd Apatow has a unique comedic voice that manages to be delightful, insightful, and shockingly frank – often at the same time,” Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos says in a statement. “Together with Paul and Lesley, he’s bringing a whole new level of agony and ecstasy to this modern day comedy of manners.”

from Empire News

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