Tuesday, 25 August 2015

A New Blade Film Could Star His Daughter

A New Blade Film Could Star His Daughter

Killing vampires is a family business


Back before the Marvel Cinematic Universe became the sprawling, successful behemoth it is today, one of the better examples (at least in the first two movies) of movies based on the comic book company’s characters was 1998's Blade. With Marvel now in possession of the rights, there’s every chance it’ll go ahead with a new film set in that universe, but according to Bleeding Cool’s Rich Johnston, the main character might be someone new – Blade’s daughter, Fallon Grey

We’d caution you at this point that this falls strictly in the world of rumours, since the information comes from Johnston’s undefined sources. But the comic book featuring Blade’s vampire-hunting spawn, which had been planned for an October release, has now been delayed. The reason? Nothing confirmed, but higher powers within the company – those in control of other Marvel media – are seeing the character and her title as very important.

Now, of course, this could just be corporate wrangling, but in July, Wesley Snipes talked about having had a meeting with Marvel about another Blade movie, and if the idea is indeed to focus on Fallon, her pop, Eric “Blade” Brooks could well appear as a guiding influence. The comic book title, by Tim Seeley and Logan Faerber, has Fallon going through a Buffy-like experience, in which the popular high school girl learns the reason she’s been feeling a little disconnected from her peers is that she’s not exactly like them, and that she’ll need her father’s help to discover her true, vamp-slaying destiny. It could turn into a great role for an actress and a much-needed new female central character for Marvel’s movie world. Assuming, of course, that anything comes of all of this – it’s not like Marvel is hurting for film titles right now…

from Empire News

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