Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Arnold Schwarzenegger Joins Revenge Pic 478

Arnold Schwarzenegger Joins Revenge Pic 478

He's on to play an aggrieved father


Arnold Schwarzenegger is dealing with a lot of daddy issues. We don’t mean he’s having regular sessions with a shrink – he’s playing a lot of father figures, including zombie-daughter pic Maggie and even Terminator Genisys, where his cyborg has a protective side. He’ll channel that impulse again for 478.

The script, written by Enemy’s Javier Gullón, finds Arnie as a man who loses his wife and child in a plane crash. As it transpires, the tragedy was caused by an air traffic controller’s mistake. The controller is hounded and eventually placed into protective custody, but Schwarzenegger’s character can’t let go and decides to seek his own vengeance.

Yet lest you think this is all sounding a little like Collateral Damage (minus the terrorism aspect), think again. According to Deadline’s sources, it all plays out more like a subtle character piece than the Austrian Oak going in guns blazing. And it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise given the writer. 

Schwarzenegger and the producers will start the search for a director and aim to have the film in production by the autumn. Terminator Genisys will be out here on July 3, with Maggie following on July 24.  

from Empire News

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