Thursday 9 October 2014

Robert Downey Jr. backtracks on Iron Man 4 confirmation

Yesterday we brought you news that Robert Downey Jr. had confirmed his involvement with Iron Man 4, having revealed as much on The Ellen Show.

However, later that very same night, Downey also appeared on The Late Show where he told David Letterman that he would not be involved in the project after all.

When posed the question by the host, Downey not only said that there was no script in place, but also that he had no intention of donning the suit for a fourth solo movie.

“Just between us, no,” said the star, when asked whether he would be returning once more. “But I’m going to do other stuff with Marvel. I’m still going to be involved with Marvel and there’s going to be plenty of other fun stuff.”

All of which seems to confuse the Iron Man issue still further. In any case, Downey will definitely be appearing in The Avengers: Age Of Utron , which will open in the UK on 24 April 2015.

via Total Film

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