Tuesday 24 March 2015

Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks Terminator Genisys

Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks Terminator Genisys

'He's a powerful and potentially evil machine'

Terminator Genisys is not, as its cast is at pains to point out in this month’s Empire, a reboot. Rather it’s a plunge into an entirely different timeline that takes a new-look Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back in time by John Connor (Jason Clarke) to save his imperilled mum, Sarah (Emilia Clarke). Except, thanks to an ageing, complexly-motivated T-800 standing sentry, she’s not as endangered as he might have imagined. {Terminator Genisys Images} “The story has changed,” that T-800, AKA Arnold Schwarzenegger explains, “so I am like a combination of the characters who you have seen in the past. He is a powerful and potentially evil kind of machine that can be very destructive if I see that a there is danger from me or for the victory against the machines. I can switch over to being the protector of Sarah Connor. It depends where we are in this storyline.”

The centrepiece of Empire’s new issue - on sale this Thursday, peoples – is the return of the epochal franchise. In an exclusive interview, Schwarzenegger trumpets the enduring power of a storyline that's stripped humanity back to its basic will to survive across three decades of jackknifing lorries, massive explosions and narrowly-avoided (or not) nuclear holocausts. But it wasn’t always so. “I didn’t know when I did the first Terminator that this would become such a popular franchise,” he remembers. “But you never know when you do a movie anyway. I mean, some movies, you do a Superman or a Batman, you know the franchise is already there, but with these kind of movies you don’t know.

Terminator Genisys arrives in UK cinemas on July 3. Head here for the latest trailer.

from Empire News

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